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   Real-time Q-PCR and gene typing platform

      ABI Prism®7900HT and Dual 384-Well GeneAmp® PCR System 9700 are the most mature and stable instruments of AB Inc., in clinical application. They are authorized Registration Certificate for Medical Devices by China SFDA and FDA Certificate of the United States. As the testing system aiming at gene expression, it is not only used by a large number of research institutes all over the world, but also has been adopted clinically in the quantitative research of Hepatitis B and AIDS virus. The platform's genotyping based on Taqman probes theory is also been widely used by top institutes. Meanwhile, AB Inc,. providing a database contains 200,000 Taqman fluorescent probes verified by tests based on different people and races, which largely improves the reliability and convenience of the application.

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Real-time Q-PCR and gene typing platform
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United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
Tel: +852-25986818      Fax: +852-25986818