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   Bio-Door microarray gene chip platform

The technique of microarrray gene chip has the feature of specificity, sensitivity and repeatability. The group's self-developed high density cDNA chip and oligonucleotides HLA-DR genotyping chip assisted to accomplish manyimportant and great national research projects, such as National 863 and National 973 Projects. The group owns several authorized patent techniques in the area. United Gene Group is the first biological enterprise with self-technique microarray gene chip platform and China's first gene chip was made by it. The gene chip of Bio-Door Chip 4000 has been awarded the First Prize of Shanghai Outstanding New Product.

Bio-Door Microarray gene chip platform
Bio-Door microarray gene chip platform
Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform
GenomeLab SNP Stream gene typing platform
Illumina BeadArray gene expression profiles study and gene typing platform
Real-time Q-PCR and gene typing platform
Gene sequencing platform
3130xLSTR testing platform
Bioinformatics analysis platform and gene database
United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
Tel: +852-25986818      Fax: +852-25986818