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   Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform

      This is a multifunctional fluid flow cytometric chip system developed by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.,. Flow cytometric chip system organically combined two mature techniques as flow cytometry and ELISA testing technique and it features large flux, short reaction time, little consumption of samples, high reliability, good repeatability and high flexibility. It is also an open platform and has has more applying advantages in self-defining multi-locus SNP genotyping, simultaneous precise quantitation of multi RNA or protein molecules, large-scale testing of multi biological biomacromolecules. The group uses Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform for the HLA genotyping and for the further development of the product.

Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform
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Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform
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United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
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