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   Illumina BeadArray gene expression profiles study and gene typing platform

      BeadArray Technology is one of the most advanced chip technologies in the world. It features large information in the chip with high sensitivity and accuracy. The technique has been widely used in gene expression research and SNP genotyping. More than 70% of the work in the Human Genome Project and the whole part undertaken by China was accomplished by the system.

Illumina BeadArray gene expression profiles study and gene typing platform
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Bio-Plex 200 flow cytometric bead array chip platform
GenomeLab SNP Stream gene typing platform
Illumina BeadArray gene expression profiles study and gene typing platform
Real-time Q-PCR and gene typing platform
Gene sequencing platform
3130xLSTR testing platform
Bioinformatics analysis platform and gene database
United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
Tel: +852-25986818      Fax: +852-25986818