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      Personalized Medication
Personalized medication is the most efficient way for better treatment and to control disease progression even to prevent disease, in which new type molecular analysis methods are adopted to identify the patient¡¯s genetic characterization, personal physiological environment and living conditions. Nowadays, genetic testing methods are used to get the genomic information of patients, by which personalized medication options are made.
Oral antibiotic efficacy Personalized medication in Diabetes
Personalized Medication
Disease Susceptibility Genetic Testing Service Products
Angel --- Children's Potential Genetic Testing Products
Health Management Against Diseases
Personalized Medication
Gene Test for Targeted Therapy of Tumor
Tumor Mutation and Gene Copy Number Products
Health Related Genomic Testing (Micronuclei)
Early Stage Alarming of Colorectal, Liver and Lung Cancer
Health Management Service Products
Health Care Products
Medicine Introduction

Gene Match biological match gene testing product

Mei Fu gene beauty testing product
Long Live DNA Genetic product of genealogy
Gene Fashionable Gifts
United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
Tel: +852-25986818      Fax: +852-25986818