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  index>>products & service>>Angel --- Children's Potential Genetic Testing Products
      Each child is an Angel of his/her parents. Genes could not be regarded as ¡°good¡± or ¡°bad¡±, because every person has his/her own talents though they are belong to different area. Differences in each person's talents and in directions of efforts determine the path of life vary widely. We all have our own unique potential and talent, everyone has its own glittering point. The important reasons why most people are in the flat faint for lifetime, other than the reasons caused by family, environment and situation, are that not correctly find their talents, and the directions of training and efforts are improperly. Especially in the Chinese traditional culture, "a good scholar can become an official" single value-oriented context, people often neglect developing childeren¡¯s potential and performing their strengths in accordance with their genetic talents. If the talent genetic testing is adopted in infant and childhood, we can know the child's genetic talent and make the proper education, then the child is easier to get access to success. The products currently include the following 5 parts.  
IQ genetic testing technical service products EQ genetic testing technical service products
Sports genetic testing technical service products Specialty genetic testing technical service products
Children's healthy development genetic testing technical service products
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Angel --- Children's Potential Genetic Testing Products
Disease Susceptibility Genetic Testing Service Products
Angel --- Children's Potential Genetic Testing Products
Health Management Against Diseases
Personalized Medication
Gene Test for Targeted Therapy of Tumor
Tumor Mutation and Gene Copy Number Products
Health Related Genomic Testing (Micronuclei)
Early Stage Alarming of Colorectal, Liver and Lung Cancer
Health Management Service Products
Health Care Products
Medicine Introduction

Gene Match biological match gene testing product

Mei Fu gene beauty testing product
Long Live DNA Genetic product of genealogy
Gene Fashionable Gifts
United Gene International Holdings Group Limited
Tel: +852-25986818      Fax: +852-25986818